Best Face Oil For Glowing Skin & How To Use Them

Discover the best face oil for glowing skin in this guide, complete with tips and tricks on how to use them.

There are many retinol creams and skin products that promise better skin. But they often have things I don’t want on my face or body. This homemade herbal facial oil contains skin-boosting and anti-aging properties for amazing skin.

I have oily skin like most of my relatives. It was a pain in the ass when I was a teenager, but I say “blessed” because everyone in the family with this type of skin has aged well. In fact, only recently after 6 children and a lot of stress did I get skin or the beginning of wrinkles.

Many of my friends are turning to botox (which surprises me a little because they look great without it). And since I didn’t want to spend money on injecting “botulinum toxin” into my face, I was happy to find a natural way to get rid of wrinkles.

DIY Face Oil For Glowing Skin

This herbal facial oil is amazing for your skin. It’s a bit more expensive to manufacture, although I think it’s still cheaper than botulinum injections. It smells better and works better.

I only need a small drop per day so my small bottle should last me about 6-8 months. And this is the only face moisturizer I need. It took me a while to find the perfect skincare product but so far I’m happy with this face oil. If you want glowing skin, water and active ingredients, give it a try!

Herbal Face Oil Ingredients

These are the ingredients I use these oils in an face oil.

  • Argan oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Rose essential oil
  • Myrrh essential oil
  • Frankincense essential oil

Best Face Oil For Glowing Skin

The unique blend of oils in the recipe is especially good for the skin. Another good thing about this recipe is that it takes seconds to make. We only mix oil with other oils and no water or emulsion is necessary. Here’s a breakdown of the spices and why they’re good for you.

Olive Oil

Although it is delicious in salads, olive oil is preferred for skin care. This oil is a source of squalane, a lipid produced by skin cells. Olive oil softens and repairs damaged skin and protects the skin’s protective layer as a nourishing agent.

Baobab Oil

Improves elasticity and supports collagen health. This oil soothes damaged skin and helps with acne, acne-prone skin and rosacea. It regenerates, softens and softens the skin. A mixture of fatty acids, mainly oleic and linoleic acids.

Evening Primrose Oil

Rich in high GLA fatty acids, safflower is good for eczema. GLA reduces inflammation and supports healthy hormone balance. I wouldn’t use this carrier oil on its own, but it works well with other oils like olive, jojoba, or argan oil. It’s a little heavy and too much can clog pores. Some dermatologists recommend against using it on oily or sensitive skin.

Argan Oil

The argan fruit is chewed from goat dung as it usually comes from the ground. Fortunately, there is a way to harvest this season! This liquid gold is good for skin problems or nourishing the skin in general. Seals water in the skin and protects against the sun and wind.

Argan oil for skin is also light and easy to absorb into the skin. It contains vitamin E, antioxidant polyphenols, squalane and carotene. It reduces inflammation, fights free radicals and helps with aging.

If your skin is on the dry side, a carrier oil can work well. Pure olive oil, avocado oil or baobab oil are good choices here. There are many options for aging or mature skin, just use the one that suits your needs. You can mix in a mixture of several carrier oils if you like.

Avocado Oil

This nourishing oil with vitamins A, B and E is a popular choice for skin care. It regenerates collagen in the skin, helps prevent constipation and reduces inflammation. Strengthens and improves skin tone. It is also good for making the skin soft and smooth. Avocado oil is distilled from the fleshy fruit, but avocado oil is extracted from the fruit (not as flavor). Both are good for skin care.

Rosehip Seed Oil

I like to add vitamin C-rich rose oil to my anti-aging skin care routine. This is one of the only cleansing oils that are good for oily skin. Even if you have dry or combination skin, it works well with any prevention method. You only have to add a small amount of oil to the bearing again.

The Best Essential Oils for Face Oil

Best Essential Oils for Face Oil

There are many botanicals out there, but a few essential oils really stand out when it comes to skin care.

If you are looking for a natural, anti-aging, anti-aging serum or face oil, try! It is bright, good for sensitive and dry skin, and makes your skin look amazing. Although these oils are cheaper, they last longer when diluted. I also use them in other recipes to get the best out of my purchase.

Rose – Rose not only calms the heart in times of grief but also heals damaged skin.

Myrrh – a heavy oil made from the resin of myrrh that has a sweet smell. It has been used in wound care for centuries. Myrrh is a natural antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Scientists are still investigating its use to treat infections and wounds, such as in the case of sepsis.

Frankincense – I infuse this essential oil with milk of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It is good for healing wounds, exercise and skin. Research has examined frankincense’s ability to reduce inflammation and repair damaged skin. In a 2010 experiment, frankincense extract significantly softened fine lines in female photographers.

Lavender – The most expensive is lavender, one of the most popular essential oils in the world. It soothes and calms the body and helps repair damaged skin. Antibacterial, good for acne, oily and damaged skin in general.

Geranium: reduces skin reactions and skin problems caused by clogged pores.

Helichrysum: calms the body, improves skin tone and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

Cypress: Strengthens and strengthens and gives new and fresh vision

Clary sage: Reduces temporary redness or discomfort in the skin.

Essential oils recommended according to skin type

Dry skin:

Essential oils of lavender, rose, myrrh, frankincense, geranium, or Clary sage

Normal or combination skin:

Essential oils of lavender, geranium, or frankincense

Dry or aging skin:

Essential oils of frankincense, myrrh, lavender, rose, helichrysum, geranium, clary sage or cypress.

How to Use Face Oil

Keep this by my sink and add a drop after oiling at night. I use it sometimes when I wash my face with honey in the morning. It smells nice and I love the smell of essential oils when I sleep or work in the morning.

Since I use an oily cleanser and my face is already very dry before applying, I can only use 1-2 drops. If you wash your face with soap, dry skin dries out more, so you’ll need to use more face oil than I do.


  • 2 ounces argan oil or other carrier oil(s) of choice
  • 12 drops frankincense essential oil
  • 12 drop rose essential oil
  • 12 drops lavender essential oil
  • 12 drops myrrh essential oil
  • 10 drops vitamin E oil optional antioxidant to extend shelf life


  • 2 ounce dropper bottle


  1. Add essential oils to the bottle.
  2. Add the carrier oil(s) to the bottle until it is almost full. Be sure to leave room for a dropper or pump cover.
  3. Stir well to mix.

How to Use Face Oil

Best face oil for glowing skin homemade

Face Oil For skin lightening and spots removal


  • Sandalwood essential oil- 5-6 drops
  • Sweet almond oil- 4 tablespoon
  • Lemon essential oil- 6-7 drops


  1. In a large bowl, take sweet almond oil, lemon essential oil, sandalwood essential oil and the amount mentioned above and mix well.
  2. Store this facial oil in a dropper bottle.
  3. Remove make-up and wash your face thoroughly with a good face wash, rinse.
  4. Now gently massage this facial oil in circular motions, avoiding the eye area.
  5. Add milk or cream if needed and apply the eye cream.
  6. Do this every night and use a high SPF sunscreen in the morning.

3. Face Oil for DIY skin clarifying and anti acne


  • Lavender essential oil- 3-4 drops
  • Tea tree essential oil- 6-7 drops
  • Neem oil- 4 tablespoon


  1. Make a mixture of neem oil, tea tree oil and lavender essential oil.
  2. Store this mixture in a dropper.
  3. Wash your face with a deep cleanser or salicylic acid.
  4. Apply 3-4 drops every night before going to bed.

Face Oil anti aging, healthy, dewy and younger skin


  • Rosehip oil- 2 tablespoon
  • Jojoba oil- 2 tablespoon
  • Vitamin E oil- 5 drops
  • Carrot seed oil- 1 tablespoon
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil- 6-7 drops


  1. Take a bowl and mix jojoba oil, rose oil, carrot seed oil, Yang Yang essential oil and vitamin E oil.
  2. Store this oil in a dropper bottle for safe use.
  3. Wash your face with a good face wash and gently apply this face oil in circular motions.
  4. Do this every night, and if you have sensitive skin, you can also use it during the day.
  5. Don’t forget to apply a high SPF sunscreen.

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