Eat these Foods to look younger, stronger and healthier

foods that age your face

This is usually the first question that everyone thinks and Foods to look younger wants to know the answer to. What is the best face wash for liver What foods can slow down aging? Because food is closest to us. If we start with food, it won’t be difficult. For this, I would like to say that it is good to take care of our health with food. Both good and healthy food choices. It should also be an anti-aging food.

We have known since ancient times that the reason we get old is because our body has deteriorated and we have various diseases. All causes of chronic inflammation. Too many free radicals in the body and a diet high in AGEs

In addition to these three factors, other factors can play a role, such as genetics or even toxins. Things that accumulate in our body, etc.

That is why the anti-aging disc needs to have both anti-inflammatory and various antioxidants rich in the body. And food AGEs are not the food itself. In addition, it should be food that helps our body to work properly. It helps reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, stroke, paralysis, dementia, including cancer.

Now we see that information about anti-aging foods that age your face is abundant and accessible. how to search the internet Or read from a good magazine or book. But different sources give different recipes. Therefore, before you buy a profit, you must first know how to filter the information. giving us the courage to do it

by studying historical records from the past to the present. We have found that there are many recipes with anti-aging properties. But the most popular recipes and scientific evidence to prove their antiaging and aging benefits are the Mediterranean diet. (Mediterranean food) Foods to look younger obviously.

Foods to look younger, stronger and healthier

Mediterranean recipes

The Mediterranean diet is the traditional diet of countries around the Mediterranean, such as Greece, Italy, Spain and France. Olive oil is often used in cooking, especially in fruit salads and vegetables, with a focus on cereal. Different types of fruit, fish and wine. Especially red wine and red wine.

The Mediterranean diet was studied and published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2008 as a diet that can reduce death from heart disease. cancer and general death. It also reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

In many other studies, previous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of diabetes. hyperlipidemia is high and helps with weight gain So, this is another good recipe. Besides helping to reduce various diseases, it also slows down the aging process. Let’s see it this time.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

– Rice, various types of beans The least processed grains

– Complete protein from fish, chicken and eggs. avoid red meat or related areas

  • A large selection of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Olive oil, which has a lot of good fats and fatty acids in large quantities, we now know that olive oil helps to reduce bad cholesterol. It increases the level of good cholesterol in the blood, which also helps reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Milk and milk products, such as yogurt, cheese, in moderation.
  • alcohol means bad drinks, especially red wine in moderation

What are zone foods/Zone Recipes?

This is Dr. Barry Sears, Ph.D., an American, came up with the idea of finding our body to work correctly in the area (zone), which is the condition of the different systems that the body works best. This gives us good health and reduces the risk of various diseases.

The focus of the Foods to look younger chain is the control of inflammation. in the body and at least reduce chronic inflammation in the body and help the various hormones in the body to function properly.

It also talks about the connection between the food you eat and the expression of your genes (genetics). results in positive health effects, while bad genes or disease-causing genes show little or no effect. This makes local recipes a good anti-aging food.

How to eat Zone Foods? How long does it take to show results? Where to find?

This is probably the question that many people think and we want to know the answer, right?

Zone diet is the system of daily energy intake of macronutrients, such as carbohydrates: fat: protein, is 40: 30: 30, which can be considered appropriate. Recommended types of Foods to look younger are:

  • Complex carbohydrates such as oats, wholemeal bread, breakfast cereals, nuts, vegetables and whole grains.

– Good fats include fats from olive oil, canola oil, rice bran oil or avocado, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. In a situation that contains a lot of omega-3 fats such as fish oil, tuna, salmon, almonds, etc.

– Protein from meat with low fat (Low protein), such as fish, chicken, etc.

If you look at the local food, you will see that there is a variety of food. It contains macronutrients and other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from vegetables and fruits. Get enough protein to help your body recover and strengthen your muscles.

However, a complex carbohydrate diet has its benefits. It causes blood sugar after eating simple food such as white rice, white bread, various lines including sugar. The good thing is that we can maintain a healthy sugar level, we don’t get hungry easily, and there is no risk of weight gain. Also eats a lot of fiber.

Regarding fat consumption, the local diet emphasizes monounsaturated fats that are good for omega-3, as they also contribute to the body’s anti-inflammatory process.

We are now finding local food to be helpful. and to reduce inflammation in the body, it helps control weight. It reduces the risk of heart disease, including the risk of developing cancer. Therefore, it is considered an interesting anti aging foods for women that is easy to make changes for everyone and especially for those who need to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. hyperlipidemia or even heart disease

It’s easy to start eating local food by gradually changing the types of Foods to look younger you eat according to your local dietary guidelines. and what is important is to continue with stability and implementation, it is clear that in this way we will benefit the most.

Bottom Line

The best anti aging foods younger looking skin Mediterranean diet is a diet that we can easily eat at home. or it can be bought in the fresh market of various supermarkets

If we look at the type of food and we notice that the recipe of the Mediterranean cuisine is similar to the regional cuisine. But there is a slight difference in the regional structure that recommends eating rice. Nuts and grains are different in small amounts, but eat fruits and vegetables that are good as a source of complex carbohydrates Foods to look younger, stronger and healthier.

However, both recipes emphasize eating mostly natural foods. Avoid processed foods. Choose healthy, low-fat complex carbohydrates. and encourages eating healthy fats, and is full of omega-3

The key to implementing these two diets yourself is to take care of your health. That we can reduce disease, slow aging, and have physical and mental health, which is ultimately perfect.

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