15 Best Natural Home Remedies For Long Hair

Are you jealous of your friend’s long hair? Wondering how to grow long hair like Rapunzel? We have good news! The length you choose is actually attainable if you take care of your hair a little. Also, trying some home remedies for long hair will really work without spending any money.

In addition to long hair, these natural methods can make your hair healthy and nutritious. They work by strengthening the hair from the inside and increasing the absorption of nutrients. Not only that! There are many other benefits of using hair masks which are discussed in detail below.

What do you mean by natural home remedies?
A natural home remedy is an alternative therapy or cure that uses components and methods that can be found in the home or natural surroundings to treat or prevent common illnesses.

Are natural therapies used at home safe?
A: Although natural home remedies are typically regarded as safe, it’s vital to remember that everyone will react differently. Before attempting any new cure, it is always advised to speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying medical concerns or are taking medication.

Factors That Stop Hair Growth

Before knowing the methods, it is important to know the factors that affect hair growth. By identifying the cause, you can choose the right treatment for the best results. Here are some of the main factors that prevent hair growth:
Genetics: If your parents or family members grow up fast, you are more likely to experience it too. Genes play an important role in determining hair length and volume.

Age: Your body experiences changes with age, even hair loss goes through the process. As we age, the trunks deteriorate and fall out. Even reduces hair growth.
Heat and Chemicals: To make it look good, many people use chemicals and heat treatments that lead to permanent hair damage. It not only degrades the quality of the hair but also stops its growth.
Alopecia: This is an autoimmune disease that attacks your own cells. People who have hair, and there is a high risk of hair not growing in the future.

Stress: Lifestyle stress not only affects your body and mind but also hinders your hair growth. Stress can trigger certain hormones that temporarily stop the growth cycle.

How To Get Long Hair With Home Remedies?

Do you know how to grow and get long hair with home remedies? Here is a list of the best and most effective treatments for long hair.

1. Fenugreek Seeds for Long Hair:

Try the power of fenugreek seeds to completely stop baldness and hair loss. This ingredient, also known as methine, fights hair loss by eliminating scalp problems and infections. It even straightens your hair naturally and makes it super soft. Methi definitely tops the list of home remedies for faster and longer hair growth.


  • Fenugreek Seeds – 3-4 tbsp
  • Water – To Soak
  • Lemon Juice – a few drops

Time for Preparation: 5 minutes plus overnight soaking.

How to prepare and apply?

  • Make a paste of fenugreek seeds.
  • Add a little water to get a smooth consistency.
  • Add a little lemon juice to this mixture.
  • Apply evenly to the scalp and hair.
  • Leave for 30 minutes, then wash it off with shampoo.

How often should You do this? Once a week.

2. Amla for Long Hair:

Amla is one of the best hair care solutions. It is known as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The fruit has many benefits, especially for fighting allergies and hair loss. This combination is also rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which can fight free radicals and reduce oxidative damage to the hair.


  • Coconut Oil – 2 tbsp
  • Amla Powder – 2tbsp

Time for Preparation: 5 minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Add baking powder and coconut oil.
  • Heat the mixture slightly.
  • Apply evenly to scalp and hair.
  • Massage for 5-10 minutes.
  • Leave for another 20 minutes.
  • Wash thoroughly with water.

How often should I do this? Once a week.

3. Eggs for Hair Growth:

This is one of the best home remedies for long and thick hair. Eggs are full of protein, which is important for hair care. Rich in nutrients such as biotin, lecithin, and folic acid, as well as other vitamins such as E, K and D. Eggs are also rich in essential amino acids that can promote hair growth and nourish hair.


  • Olive Oil – 1 tbsp
  • Egg Yolks – 2

Time for Preparation: 5 minutes

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Beat the eggs well to get a smooth texture.
  • Add olive oil to the mixture.
  • Apply hair evenly.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with mild shampoo.

How often should You do this? Once every week.

4. Aloe Vera Can Make Your Hair Long:

Aloe vera can stimulate dormant hair and accelerate hair growth. It contains many enzymes that repair cells and reduce damage. Aloe vera also protects your mane from UV rays and adds volume. It can seal water and add moisture. How to grow hair fast with aloe:


  • Honey – 2 tbsp
  • Aloe vera Gel –1 Cup

Time for Preparation: 5 minutes

How to plan and apply?

  • Mix Aloe vera gel with honey.
  • Mix well to combine.
  • Apply directly to hair and scalp.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Bathe with plain water.

How often should You do this? Once every week.

5. Avocado for Long Hair:

Another effective home remedy for growing long hair is avocado. It has a lot of omega fatty acids, which can eventually cover the fibers with a protective layer and prevent damage. Avocado is also rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, which can make your hair long and strong. It is also rich in minerals like copper and iron to promote healthy hair.


  • Ripe Avocado –½ Cup
  • Ripe Banana – ½ Cup
  • Egg Yolk – 1

Preparation Time: 5 minutes.

How to prepare and apply?

  • Put everything in a bowl.
  • Mix well to get a smooth consistency.
  • Apply conditioner to your hair, covering your roots and scalp.
  • Leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.

How long do I have to do this? Once or twice a week.

6. Potato Juice for Long Hair:

Everything in the potato juice in the kitchen proves to be a good home remedy for long hair. Potato juice contains many important nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc and niacin that promote hair growth. It also works as a cleanser, removing impurities and closing pores.


  • Potato Juice – 1 Cup.

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes.

How to prepare and apply?

  • Remove the juice from the grated potatoes.
  • Use a cotton pad to absorb the juice.
  • Cut the hair and put it on the head.
  • Massage thoroughly for 5-10 minutes.
  • Leave for an hour.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.

How Often Should You Do This? Once or twice a week.

7. Cayenne Pepper for Long Hair:

Yes! You heard me right! Cayenne pepper has many medicinal benefits for hair. Capsaicin and cayenne pepper stimulates the hair follicles and increase hair growth. It fights scalp-damaging microbes like bacteria and fungi and improves hair health. Here’s how to use cayenne pepper to make your hair long:


  • Cayenne Pepper – 1 tbsp
  • Olive Oil – 3 tbsp

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

  • Mix cayenne pepper and olive oil.
  • Cut your hair and use this solution.
  • Do not run into the head as it may cause a fire.
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.

How often should You do this? Once or twice a week

8. Oranges for Long Hair:

Oranges can be eaten in any form, in juice or whole. Being rich in vitamin C, oranges can reduce hair loss caused by oxidative stress at the cellular level. In addition to internal consumption, you can also use orange juice or powder for healthy hair growth.


  • Orange Juice – ½ Cup
  • Apple Mash – ½ Cup

Preparation Time: 5 minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Mix apple juice with orange juice.
  • Apply this paste to your hair.
  • Allow to dry for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.

How Often Should You Do This? Once every week.

9. Castor Oil for Long Hair:

Castor oil is used in many Indian households because of its role in hair growth. Massaging the scalp with warm castor oil can make your hair grow longer and stronger. It can stimulate new hair growth even in inactive hair follicles. Castor oil can also reduce graying over time.


  • Castor Oil – 2 tbsp
  • Coconut Oil – 1 tbsp

Preparation Time: 5 minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Castor oil is diluted with coconut oil.
  • Heat the mixture slightly.
  • Apply it on the scalp and dry it well.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash thoroughly with shampoo.

How often should I do this? Every other day.

10. Banana for Long Hair:

Banana is not only healthy food but also works like magic for hair growth. Making a mask of banana pulp, green tea and egg yolk, and honey can improve your hair. It can repair damage caused by chemical or heat treatment. By using it regularly, you can make your hair smooth and shiny.


  • Banana Mash – ½ Cup
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Egg yolk – 1
  • Green tea – 10ml
  • Lime Juice – few drops

Preparation Time: 5 minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Mix everything in a bowl.
  • Mix well so it doesn’t burn.
  • Bring your hair and apply this paste.
  • Use a shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.

How often should You do this? Once every 15 days.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Another good and easy-to-use home remedy for long hair is apple cider vinegar. ACV is known for its deep cleansing properties to effectively remove dirt and grime. By balancing the scalp’s natural pH, ACV can control oil secretions that can clog pores. Try this ACV rinse to see a visible difference.


  • Apple Cider Vinegar – ½ Cup.
  • Water – ½ Cup.

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Mix ACV with water.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Use this ACV solution as a final rinse.

How often should You do this? Once or twice a week

12. Essential Oil Scalp Massage:

Using essential oils for hair massage can help in many ways. Oils such as rosemary, juniper, lavender, and peppermint can improve gray hair and make hair grow faster. This oil has a positive effect on the nerves and helps reduce stress.


  • Rosemary oil – 5-6 drops.
  • Lavender Oil – 5-6 drops.
  • Any carrier oil – 3 tbsp.
  • Peppermint oil – 5-6 drops.

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes.

How to Prepare and Apply?

  • Use oils that contain oils, such as coconut, olive or castor oil.
  • Add essential oil and mix well.
  • Heat the mixture a little and apply it on your head.
  • Massage well for 10-15 minutes.
  • Leave it on for an hour before washing it off.

How Often Should I Do This? Once or twice a week.

13. Breathing Exercises Or Yoga:

Stress is the main cause of many health problems including hair loss, bald spots, etc. By practicing yoga, you can free your body and mind from stress. Breathing and meditation practices can relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the follicles. A combination of different poses and breathing movements work together for a beautiful machine!

14. Simple Hair Down Movement:

One home remedy for long hair is simply combing your hair. If you rotate your hair for a few minutes, the blood circulation in the scalp improves and if you do this for 4-5 minutes every day, it helps the hair to grow slowly. This is one of the cheap and easy home remedies for long hair in 1 month.

15. Healthy Diet Help to Long Hair:

The best thing about home remedies is that they are very easy and almost inexpensive. Let’s take a look at one of the easiest and cheapest home remedies for long hair. It’s about getting all the nutrients you need from good food. The best way to grow long hair is to eat a lot of protein every day, you can include eggs, chicken, yogurt, cheese, whole grains, and vegetables and add fruits, juices, or juices to your diet. Follow a high-protein diet every day and watch your hair grow well, this is undoubtedly one of the best home remedies for long hair.

Other tips for Long Hair:

Follow these important tips and home remedies for quick results:

  1. Eat a healthy diet that is full of nutrients and high fiber. This can improve digestion and remove toxins from the body.
  2. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. You should drink at least eight glasses a day.
  3. Trim your hair once a month to get rid of dead hair.
  4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Don’t wash your hair too much because it strips the natural oils.
  5. Wash your head regularly to keep the blood flowing to your head.


What do you mean by natural home remedies?

A natural home remedy is an alternative therapy or cure that uses components and methods that can be found in the home or natural surroundings to treat or prevent common illnesses.

Are natural therapies used at home safe?

A: Although natural home remedies are typically regarded as safe, it’s vital to remember that everyone will react differently. Before attempting any new cure, it is always advised to speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying medical concerns or are taking medication.


Although these hair products are guaranteed to work, it should be noted that results may vary from person to person. As these are natural processes, they manifest their effects gradually. So you have to be patient and test them regularly. It is also good to talk to a trichologist about hair loss and get the right treatment. If you use this method along with medical treatment, you will make your hair length by several centimeters!

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