How to Use Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth with Wonderful Benefits

Vitamin E oil for hair growth – benefits and uses – short hair is easy to maintain and looks stylish. But long, healthy hair has its own charm. Additionally, if you have short to long hair, it doesn’t hurt to change your look a bit by growing your hair long. But sometimes the lack of hair makes us feel depressed. Hair takes time to grow, and if you notice that it’s taking an unusually long time, it’s a sign that your hair is unhealthy. Vitamins are important for hair growth, especially vitamin E. In addition to adding some vitamin E-rich foods to your daily diet, include vitamin E in your hair care routine. Vitamin E oil is good for hair growth. Continue reading this article to know the benefits and uses of vitamin E oil for hair.

Benefits of Vitamin E oil for HairĀ 

Vitamin E oil is amazing for fast new hair growth.

  • When rubbed into the scalp, vitamin E oil promotes blood circulation in the scalp, which improves the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the hair.
  • This helps to grow hair, repair damage and make them grow new hair.
  • The environmental factors that cause damage to our hair and cause hair loss. Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant that helps fight hair damage and aids in hair growth.
  • Good hair grows from a good head. By using vitamin E oil regularly, you can make your scalp healthy.
  • Prolonged use of the wrong care products or harsh chemicals can disrupt the scalp’s normal pH balance and make it oily or dry.
  • When the skin is dry, the sebaceous glands produce more oil, which can lead to dandruff and itching. Other oils can also clog the hair follicles and cause hair loss.
  • When the scalp becomes too oily, the oil in the scalp can cover the hair and make our hair smell and smell bad.
  • Vitamin E is very helpful in restoring the pH balance of the scalp and controlling oil production, thus keeping the scalp healthy and balanced and controlling hair loss.

How to Use Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth

Vitamin E oil and Aloe Vera for hair

How to use vitamin E oil and aloe vera for hair growth?

Take some vitamin E capsules and insert them into a clean, sterile needle. Remove the oil from the capsules and collect it in a bowl. Alternatively, you can buy a bottle of vitamin E oil.

Take 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil and mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel. Apply this on your scalp and hair and dry it well.

Wait 30 minutes and wash with shampoo. Follow this DIY hair treatment with vitamin E oil and aloe vera twice a week.


  • Aloe vera has many benefits for our hair. Hair loss can be fixed by using aloe vera regularly and it promotes hair growth very well.
  • Aloe vera contains various nutrients that strengthen hair like vitamins A, B12, C, E, folic acid, etc. They help nourish damaged hair and rejuvenate them for new hair growth.
  • Being rich in vitamins, aloe vera promotes cell turnover, which makes new hair grow. Aloe vera contains vitamin B12 and folic acid, two vitamins that help prevent hair loss.
  • Also, the natural enzymes in aloe vera promote hair growth.
  • According to experts, it is very important to maintain the natural pH balance of the scalp for healthy hair and healthy hair. Various factors can disrupt the pH balance and cause serious hair problems, including hair loss.
  • Aloe vera, a highly effective herb for hair growth, helps to restore the pH balance of the scalp with regular use. This contributes to the effective treatment of hair loss.
  • Excess oil, dirt, grime, and regular use can eventually build up on the scalp and clog hair follicles. It prevents our hair and also causes hair loss.
  • Aloe vera has natural astringent properties, effectively and extensively cleanses the scalp and removes deposits and impurities. This loosens the hair and promotes new hair growth.
  • Any bacterial or fungal infection can cause hair loss and stop growing completely. With its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps to treat allergies and restore a healthy body.
  • Dandruff is another cause of hair loss. Aloe vera treats dandruff effectively. Since aloe vera is anti-fungal in nature, it kills the fungus that causes dandruff.
  • At the same time, the natural enzymes in aloe vera help to cleanse the skin of dandruff, thus eliminating dandruff completely.

Vitamin E Oil and Coconut Milk for Hair Growth

How to use vitamin E oil and coconut milk for hair growth?

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of coconut milk and one tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair and leave it for 20-30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.

Follow this DIY hair growth treatment with vitamin E oil and coconut milk once or twice a week.

Natural remedies for hair growth, home remedies for hair growth, vitamin E oil for long hair, how to grow long hair, hair tips.


  • Coconut milk is a good source of nutritious fatty acids, including lauric acid. Lauric acid has a positive effect on our hair.
  • It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-bacterial properties that help maintain scalp health and promote hair growth.
  • Lauric acid is especially useful in fighting dandruff and other scalp diseases. In addition to lauric acid, coconut milk also contains various vitamins, such as vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, C and E.
  • These foods are very beneficial for dry and damaged hair and repairing split ends, stress and split ends.
  • Also, coconut milk is a source of minerals for hair such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, etc. These minerals strengthen our hair and reduce weak, brittle and brittle hair.
  • The antioxidant effect of coconut milk also promotes healthy hair growth by protecting our hair and scalp from free radicals in the environment.
  • Coconut milk is a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help nourish gray hair. This helps repair hair damage from within and stimulates the hair follicles to grow new hair.
  • Protein is the main building block of our hair. Our hair is made up of keratin, which is a type of protein. Any loss of protein can seriously damage our hair and cause hair loss.
  • Coconut milk, rich in protein, strengthens hair roots and prevents hair loss.

Vitamin E Oil and Potato Juice for Hair

How to use vitamin E oil and potato juice for hair growth?

Take a potato and remove the skin. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and put them in a blender to get a smooth mashed potato.

Remove the juice from the mashed potatoes and cheese and put it in a bag.

Add 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil and potato juice to the mix. Scrub your scalp with your fingers and wait another 30 minutes before shampooing.

Repeat this treatment twice a week with vitamin E oil and potato juice for hair growth.

DIY remedies for hair growth, home remedies for hair growth, vitamin E oil for long hair, how to grow hair as long as possible, hair tips.


  • Potatoes are a good source of various vitamins and minerals such as potassium, fiber, zinc, copper, tryptophan, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid, etc., which help in hair growth, and -repairs damage and stimulates new hair growth. .
  • Scalp hair often covers the scalp and stops our hair from growing completely. Potato juice applied on the scalp helps to close the pores and stimulate hair growth.
  • Potato juice has a great nutritional effect on our hair. It helps to close the open cuticles on the top layer of our hair and its regular use makes the hair soft, shiny and silky.
  • Potato juice is rich in nutrients and helps improve blood circulation in the head. It leads to an increase in oxygen, which helps to increase the production of collagen. This has a direct effect on better hair growth.

Apply Vitamin E Oil for Hair Growth

How to use vitamin E for hair growth?

Take several vitamin E capsules and apply them to clean and dry bobby pins, depending on the thickness and length of your hair.

Remove the oil from the capsules and collect it in a bowl. Alternatively, you can buy a bottle of vitamin E oil and use it on your hair.

Apply vitamin E oil on the scalp and massage gently for a few minutes. Keep it for 30-40 minutes and wash it with a mild shampoo.

Repeat this simple remedy with vitamin E oil two or three times a week for Vitamin E Oil for Hair growth.

Vitamin E Oil and Onion Juice for Hair

How to use vitamin E oil and onion juice for hair growth?

Take 2-3 medium onions and cut them into small cubes. Add to blender and puree. Remove juice and onion puree with a strainer or cloth.

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of onion juice and one tablespoon of vitamin E oil. You can squeeze a vitamin E capsule and collect the oil, or you can use store-bought vitamin E oil.

Massage the scalp with the resulting mixture. Leave it for an hour and wash it off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this remedy with vitamin E oil and onion juice for hair growth twice a week.


  • Onion juice is an effective natural remedy to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. It is a source of various nutrients that make hair like vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, folic acid, flavonoids, etc.
  • These foods help repair damaged hair to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. Good hair grows from a good head.
  • Therefore, it is very important to maintain healthy hair and keep it away from bacteria and fungi.
  • Onion juice has antibacterial, septic and antifungal effects. It helps to treat fungal and bacterial infections and restore healthy hair.
  • Onion juice also helps to get rid of dandruff, which is one of the main causes of hair loss.
  • Instant onion juice on the scalp makes the scalp healthy and nourishing as it creates a protective layer on the scalp and prevents moisture.
  • In addition, onion juice contains sulfur and quercetin, which are two very important substances for hair growth.
  • Sulfur is an important part of keratin (the barrier of our hair). Sulfur helps to strengthen our hair and increases its natural density.
  • Lack of sulfur dries out, makes our hair brittle and also causes hair breakage. Using onion juice helps replace sulfur deficiency and makes hair grow faster.
  • In addition, sulfur improves blood circulation to the head, which provides the hair with oxygen and other important nutrients. It instantly increases collagen production and stimulates hair growth.
  • Quercetin and onion juice have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It fights free radicals and protects our hair from various damage.
  • It also protects our hair from environmental factors and promotes new hair growth.

Vitamin E Oil and Green Tea for Hair Growth

How to use vitamin E oil and green tea for hair growth?

Make a cup of green tea. Remove from the stove and let it come to a boil. Then, add a tablespoon of vitamin E oil and 2-3 tablespoons of green tea.

Mix it together and apply it on the scalp and long hair. Gently massage your scalp for a few minutes and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Wash with shampoo.

Apply vitamin E oil and green tea once or twice a week for hair growth.


  • Green tea is good not only for our skin health but also for our hair. The nutrients in green tea help with hair growth.
  • The polyphenols in green tea, especially EGCG, promote hair growth by working at the cellular level. It strengthens hair roots and stimulates hair follicles to make hair grow faster.
  • Also, green tea contains many other compounds such as carotenoids, tocopherols, zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid, etc., which help control hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.
  • Good hair grows from a good head. With its good anti-fungal effect, green tea cures dandruff and also kills the bacteria on the scalp that usually causes the hair roots to shrink and cause hair loss.
  • The anti-inflammatory effects of green tea help treat various skin conditions and promote hair growth.
  • Green tea is a good source of vitamins, including B vitamins, and this vitamin is known for its hair benefits. It helps reduce hair loss and heals split ends and improves overall hair structure.
  • Hormonal activity in our body plays an important role in the health of our hair. DHT hormone is one type of hormone that can cause male pattern baldness.
  • DHT is a byproduct of testosterone in men and women with low levels of testosterone that can be converted to DHT with the help of certain enzymes and cause excessive hair growth.
  • Catechins in green tea help block DHT and prevent hair loss.
  • In addition, green tea can break down plaque in blood vessels and increase blood flow to all parts of our body, including the skin. Good blood makes hair grow and encourages new hair growth.

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