Morning or Night: What is the Best Time to Do Yoga?

Know when is the best time to do yoga according to your body type! Find out if morning or night is better for you and reap the benefits of this healthy practice. Doing yoga at a specific time of day is not always the best decision – here’s why.

Are you a yoga enthusiast looking to deepen your practice and maximize its benefits? If so, you may have wondered whether morning or night is the best time to roll out your mat. While both times have their advantages, the answer ultimately depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Some yogis swear by the energizing and grounding effects of a morning practice, while others find that practicing at night helps them unwind and release tension from the day.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of practicing yoga in the morning and at night, so you can make an informed decision about which time is best for you. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there’s a yoga routine out there that can help you start or end your day with mindfulness, strength, and peace of mind. So, let’s dive in and find out which time is best for your yoga practice!

Importance of timing in yoga practice

Yoga is not just about the physical postures or asanas; it is also about the breath and the mind. The time at which you practice yoga can affect the quality of your practice and the benefits you receive from it. The traditional yogic texts suggest that the best time to practice yoga is during the Brahma Muhurta, which is the time before sunrise.

This is considered to be a sacred time when the energy of the universe is most conducive to spiritual growth and inner transformation. However, not everyone can wake up before sunrise, and some people may find it difficult to practice yoga at this time. Therefore, it’s essential to find a time that works best for you and your schedule. Whether you choose to practice in the morning or at night, consistency and dedication are key.

Benefits of morning yoga practice

Benefits of morning yoga

There’s a reason why many yoga studios offer early morning classes. A morning yoga practice can set the tone for the rest of your day and help you start it on the right foot. Here are some benefits of practicing yoga in the morning:

1. Boosts energy and focus

A morning yoga practice can help you feel more energized and focused throughout the day. The physical postures and breathing exercises can stimulate your body and mind, making you feel more awake and alert. This can be especially helpful if you have a busy day ahead and need to be productive.

2. Improves digestion

Practicing yoga in the morning can also improve your digestion. The twisting and bending postures can massage your internal organs and stimulate your digestive system, helping you feel less bloated and more comfortable throughout the day.

3. Promotes better sleep

Believe it or not, a morning yoga practice can help you sleep better at night. By waking up your body and mind in the morning, you can regulate your circadian rhythm and improve the quality of your sleep. This can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being.

Benefits of night-time yoga practice

Benefits of night yoga

While a morning yoga practice can be energizing and invigorating, a night-time practice can be calming and soothing. Here are some benefits of practicing yoga at night:

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Practicing yoga at night can help you release tension and stress from the day. The physical postures and breathing exercises can calm your nervous system and promote relaxation, helping you feel more at ease and peaceful.

2. Improves flexibility

Your body tends to be more relaxed and flexible in the evening, making it an ideal time for yoga practice. The postures can feel more natural and effortless, allowing you to deepen your stretches and improve your flexibility.

3. Enhances sleep quality

A night yoga practice can also improve the quality of your sleep. The relaxation and meditation techniques can quiet your mind and help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. This can be especially helpful if you struggle with insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Factors to consider when choosing Best Time to Do Yoga practice

Ultimately, the best time for your yoga practice depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a time:

1. Your natural rhythm

Some people are naturally more energized in the morning, while others are more awake and alert at night. Consider what time of day you feel most energized and focused, and choose a time that aligns with your natural rhythm.

2. Your schedule

Your work and personal schedule may dictate when you have time to practice yoga. If you have a busy morning routine, a night-time practice may be more realistic for you. Conversely, if you have a lot of evening commitments, a morning practice may be a better fit.

3. Your goals

Consider what you hope to achieve from your yoga practice. If you’re looking to boost your energy and productivity, a morning practice may be ideal. If you’re looking to reduce stress and promote relaxation, a night-time practice may be more beneficial.

How to create a consistent yoga practice routine

Regardless of the time you choose to practice, consistency is key to reaping the benefits of yoga. Here are some tips for creating a consistent yoga practice routine:

1. Set a realistic goal

Start by setting a realistic goal for how often you want to practice yoga. It’s better to commit to a few days a week and stick to it than to commit to every day and get discouraged.

2. Create a dedicated space

Designate a space in your home or office where you can practice yoga. It doesn’t have to be a large space, but it should be quiet and free from distractions.

3. Find a routine that works for you

Experiment with different types of yoga and routines to find what works best for you. Whether you prefer a vigorous flow or a gentle restorative practice, there’s a routine out there that can help you achieve your goals.

4. Hold yourself accountable

Make a commitment to yourself to practice yoga regularly. You can set reminders on your phone, join a yoga community, or find an accountability partner to help you stay on track.

Tips for morning yoga practice

If you’re a morning person or want to start your day with a yoga practice, here are some tips to make the most of your practice:

1. Wake up early

Try to wake up at least 30 minutes before your yoga practice to give yourself time to prepare your body and mind. You can use this time to meditate, journal, or simply sit quietly and set your intentions for the day.

2. Start slow

Begin your practice with some gentle stretches and breathing exercises to warm up your body and calm your mind. You can gradually increase the intensity of your practice as you feel more awake and alert.

3. Eat a light breakfast

If you’re practicing yoga in the morning, it’s important to eat a light breakfast or snack beforehand to fuel your body. Avoid heavy or greasy foods that can make you feel sluggish or uncomfortable.

Tips for night-time yoga practice

If you’re a night owl or want to wind down before bed, here are some tips to make the most of your practice:

1. Unplug from technology

Before you start your practice, turn off your phone and other electronic devices. This can help you disconnect from the outside world and focus on your practice.

2. Dim the lights

Create a calming atmosphere by dimming the lights or using candles. This can help you relax and prepare your mind for meditation and relaxation.

3. Practice gentle postures

Avoid intense or strenuous postures that can stimulate your body and mind. Instead, focus on gentle stretches and restorative poses that can help you release tension and unwind.

Common challenges in morning and night-time yoga practice

Practicing yoga in the morning or at night can come with its own set of challenges. Here are some common ones, and how to overcome them:

1. Lack of motivation

It can be challenging to motivate yourself to practice yoga, especially if you’re tired or stressed. To overcome this, try setting a specific goal for your practice and reminding yourself of the benefits you’ll receive.

2. Distractions

Whether it’s a noisy neighbor or a busy schedule, distractions can interfere with your yoga practice. To minimize distractions, create a dedicated space for your practice and let others know that you need some quiet time.

3. Physical limitations

If you have physical limitations or injuries, it can be challenging to find a yoga routine that works for you. Consult with a yoga teacher or healthcare provider to find modifications or alternative postures that can accommodate your needs.


In conclusion, the best time for your yoga practice depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Whether you choose to practice in the morning or at night, consistency and dedication are key to reaping the benefits of yoga.

Consider what you hope to achieve from your practice, and experiment with different types of yoga and routines to find what works best for you. By committing to a regular yoga practice, you can cultivate mindfulness, strength, and peace of mind, no matter what time of day it is.

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